Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Gospel Milk Project 2

Most people say that they are bored and there is nothing to do. I have said that many times in my life, though deep down inside, I knew that there had to be something to do. While some people are bored sitting around, they want to eat. Then they gain a couple of pounds. Sometimes we feel so miserable in boredom. However, there are people in the world that makes our misery look like nothing. Some people don't have a home and no food. What can we do and how. See, there is something to do. We may help others that need help. That might bring us joy and our misery and boredom might go away. We can get so involved in helping others that it is possible that we can forget ourselves in misery. We won't have time to think of boredom because then we will be busy.

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