Sunday, November 30, 2008

Genuine Hope

Little Benny: I Keep Looking Up. My Hope Is In God.

Israel At War

It seems that Israel has been fighting for years. Why are they fighting? What are they fighting for? Americans know that the Jews are God’s chosen people, but do they know that they are God’s chosen people? READ MORE...

Mumbai Attack

One morning I woke up and saw another building on fire on television. I was not wide awake because I was just beginning to wake up with my eyes half close. I still had them cracked open enough to know that I was seeing a building burning. A little fear came over me that somewhere in the U.S. somebody had been attacked again. It was like waking up seeing Sept. 11, when the World Trade Center was attacked. However, this time, it was the Mumbai’s Taj Hotel attacked by Islamic militants on India’s financial district that left 195 dead, including 22 foreigners. READ MORE....