Friday, July 8, 2011

Fundraising for the Poor

Sometimes I send money to, "Feed the Children" or "World Vision". I get a lot of letters from them as soon as I send a donation. Sometimes I put the letters on my kitchen table to save them until I have the money to send. Sometimes there are just too many letters to keep.

I asked one of the organizations how I could start my own organization in helping the poor. One of the organizations told me that it would not be easy. Well, I thank God that we do have some organizations to send money to at least. If I could, I would fundraise for the poor. The only thing that I know to do is to save and give from my own money, because it's not easy just like a particular organization told me. People are careful with their money and afraid it will not get to the poor. Well, they should be, but always think of the poor.

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